
Kingswood Golf Club


Bridge Circle

At Kingswood Golf & Country Club

Kingswood Golf & Country Club  -  Bridge Circle

The Kingswood Bridge Circle play bridge every Wednesday afternoon, usually in the Warren Room, starting at 12:30pm, for friendly Chicago. On the first Wednesday of the month the format is Duplicate with play starting at 12:30pm. Every first Saturday of the month we hold Supper Bridge evenings starting at 5:30pm again being Duplicate hands - with a break for supper halfway.

Our own members “Direct” and the emphasis is always on creating a relaxed atmosphere where players of all ability can enjoy a game. On Monday evenings there is another session starting at 5:00pm. A friendly and instructive evening with an emphasis on tutoring and helping beginners.

We also have mixed matches against other golf clubs with a team of 12. The Ladies play a number of matches in a League again against other golf clubs.

The Bridge Circle is open to all members of the Kingswood including ‘Club’ Members. The Bridge Circle is a thriving and popular section and by joining ‘Club’ membership does not guarantee access to Bridge and certain events are subject to availability. Entry into the Bridge Circle may be at times limited with management controlling a waitlist. This will be advised at the point of joining. Further information on ‘Club’ membership please click here and please email with your application or any questions you may have.

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